The pursuit of freedom is a human pursuit, transcendent above the passing of time and the changes of life. But is freedom simply doing that one wants to do? This absorbing lecture is a reflective answer to that question. Shaykh-ul- Islam Dr. Muhammed Tahir ul-Qadri warns us of the fallacious nature of the modern conception of freedom. He states that human beings are enslaved to the scheming of Commanding Self (Nafs al- Ammara) and that true freedom is to overcome the desires, temptations and propensities of the lower self. Drawing on a number of seminal texts from the science of Islamic Spirituality ( Ilm ut- Tasawwuf) and his own profound insights attained from years if travelling and mastery, the Shaykh skilfully describes the Path a seeker must tread, the methods to overcome them. He states that this life is a journey towards the next and the end, to the Merciful lord. Of essence is the way in which one arrived. Those who reach Allah though struggle and fortitude are raised in the eternal realm and those who succumb to the whimsical desires of temporary existence are humiliated.
Movies Info:
Movie Trailer
- Released on: 2010-01-12
- Rating: PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
- Number of discs: 1
- Format: PAL
- Running time: 120 minutes
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